Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An Open Letter To Kate Dalley and Her Readers - By Matty Jacobson

This is the accompanying photo with Kate Dalley's
article: a sexual identity merit badge. Sexual identity
means the gender a person identifies with. Dalley
actually doesn't talk about this at all. Hate mail to
Matty Jacobson can be posted in the comments section

All three rings of the gay rights circus are active right now, and it certainly is the most grating show on earth.

If you haven’t read Feb. 9 article, “Perspectives: TheSexual Identity Merit Badge,” by Kate Dalley, published on StGeorgeUtah.com, then maybe you should take a minute and read it.

If you can’t see how bigoted this article is, then I’m afraid you’ve fallen into the same delusion that Dalley has: that this opinion piece is a fair representation of her side of the argument.

But in all actuality, it’s only telling us that being “openly gay” means that you fully intend to disclose graphic sexual information to boys.  

I am not here to tell you The Boy Scouts of America should allow openly gay people to join the organization. I don’t really understand why any self-respecting person who just happens to be gay would want to join an organization that is willing to deny them membership for that one aspect alone. But, like I said, the whole Boy Scout issue is completely beside the point here.

Whether intentional or not, Dalley is portraying herself as a pervert who can only think of one thing: gay sex.

When I first started The Skewed Review back in 2009, my goal was to have a political column that focused on headlines—but in a sarcastic and entertaining way. Of course, I didn’t fully understand how poorly sarcasm is conveyed through print, and politics are about as entertaining as watching CSPAN “Clockwork Orange” style. Still, I’m able to crank out some pretty good puns every now and then, and as long as post mug shots of myself looking perturbed, then at least half my audience gets my sardonic attitude.

But what started as a political focus grew to cover a wide variety of topics. From movies to morons, The Skewed Review is able to touch on just about every subject. But one thing that’s really bloomed like a rainbow rose growing in a glitter and John Waters DVD mulch is my activism.

But in all my activism tantrums, I’ve never once argued that gay people should be allowed to run up to whomever they please and start spouting off about their sex lives.

Now, never mind that Dalley is uneducated; she doesn’t even know the difference between sexual orientation and sexual identity (she refers to sexual identity as a “sexual preference”) and never mind her inability to recognize her own redundancies (she talks about granting membership to “‘openly gay’ homosexuals”); I want to bring to your attention her blatant self-contradictions.

She goes so far in her argument as to say: “Am I ‘openly Mormon,’ or ‘openly heterosexual?’ No.”

Actually, Ms. Dalley is both of those things. First and foremost, she just announced them both in her article. That, my loyal readers, is the definition of being openly anything. I’m guessing she goes to church and is seen by hundreds of other congregants. That’s openly Mormon. And in her mini-bio at the end of her article, it clearly states she’s married and a mother of five children. That’s openly heterosexual.

Dalley’s hypocrisy is astounding.

But her biggest fallacy is that she’s a namby-pamby, no-spine writer who is too afraid to argue what she wants to argue. Her article reeks of disgust toward gay people, but she skirts that issue under the guise of “I’m not a fan of bullying.” She’s clearly repulsed by gay people, but she’s too much of sissy to admit it.

She tells her readers that it’s fine to be gay—just don’t talk about it.  You know, because if she were to talk about her husband and kids, that’s just fine. But if I were to talk about my husband, that’s crossing a line.

And under it all, I think Dalley just can’t get gay sex out of her mind. To quote her, “As for openly-gay scout leaders professing their attitude of acceptance to young boys, sex should never be a discussion that they have with their scouts. Ever. It is inappropriate, just as I do not want a promiscuous male heterosexual glamorizing or justifying his sexual conquests either.”

Wow. She sure jumped from point A to point XXX in a matter of seconds.

Who said being gay meant talking about sex to young boys? Dalley is basically calling all gay men pedophiles. She thinks that being gay means telling everyone around you how you have gay sex. This is a simplistic mindset, a fairy tale if you will, that Dalley has conjured up in her own closed little mind.

I’m sorry, Mrs. Dalley, but you are a pervert. I have never seen a married heterosexual couple holding hands and said, “Good God. Those two people are having sex.” So forgive me for thinking you're the odd one because you do exactly that when you see (or think about) a homosexual couple holding hands. And, oddly enough, I’ve never been afraid for my nieces and nephews when we invite the straight folk over. I’ve never thought, “Oh lord, those two straight people are going to start telling my 7-year-old niece how they have sex.” So again, forgive me when I think you are the pervert because you think that's No. 1 on a homosexual couple's agenda.

Guess what? My partner and I don’t do that stuff. Do my nieces and nephews know I have a partner who happens to be a man? Yes, they do. But do I sit down and tell them how sex with another man works? No! I would never do that! And neither would any other upstanding gay person!

The fact that you think we all want to have conversations about sex with young boys tells me there’s something wrong with you. Not us. 

Are there sick people out there? Yes. But are they all gay? NO. I'm not a sick person, my husband is not a sick person, and all our gay friends are not sick people. You, on the other hand, who thinks that being gay means "professing" your gayness to little children, gives me pause. I just have a sneaking suspicion the only thing you, Mrs. Dalley, can think about when you hear "gay" is a couple of naked guys going at in bed with whips and chains and cameras rolling. Disgusting.

Let the Boy Scouts of America deny access to gay people. That’s fine with me. And argue your homophobic point of view. That’s also fine with me. Just don’t pretend to be to be something you’re not—an understanding and loving human being. And we, as a collective group of normal humans who just happen to be gay will all be what we are—decent, loving, kind, accepting humans who are simply tired of people like YOU labeling us as sex-crazed pedophiles. 

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